Ensure you have completed the Get Started with Outspeed guide before proceeding with this integration.

In this guide, we will walk you through integrating the DeepReel Plugin into your Outspeed application. The DeepReel Plugin facilitates processing of audio inputs and generates corresponding video outputs by establishing a WebSocket connection with a specified server. This integration enhances your application’s capabilities in handling real-time audio and video streams.

Integrating DeepReel Plugin into Your Application

We will modify your existing application to include the DeepReel Plugin. This involves setting up the plugin, configuring the WebSocket connection, and handling the audio and video streams.

  • The full code is available here.

Setting Up the DeepReel Plugin

Define the Plugin Class

First, define the DeepreelPlugin class which handles the WebSocket connection and processes audio and video streams.

import asyncio
import base64
import json
import logging
import threading
import time
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import websockets
from PIL import Image

import outspeed as sp

# Set up basic logging configuration

class DeepreelPlugin:
    A plugin for processing audio input and generating video output using a WebSocket connection.

    def __init__(self, websocket_url: str):
        Initialize the DeepreelPlugin.

            websocket_url (str): The URL of the WebSocket server to connect to.
        self.websocket_url: str = websocket_url
        self.audio_samples: int = 0
        self.audio_input_stream: sp.AudioStream
        self.image_output_stream: sp.VideoStream
        self.audio_output_stream: sp.AudioStream
        self._ws: websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol
        self._audio_library: List[Tuple[float, sp.AudioData]] = []
        self._ws = None
        self._loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
        self._speaking = False

Connecting to the WebSocket Server

Establish WebSocket Connection

Implement methods to connect to the WebSocket server and handle sending and receiving data.

def run(self, audio_input_stream: sp.AudioStream) -> Tuple[sp.VideoStream, sp.AudioStream]:
    Set up the plugin and start processing audio input.

        audio_input_stream (AudioStream): The input audio stream to process.

        Tuple[VideoStream, AudioStream]: The output video and audio streams.
    self.audio_input_stream = audio_input_stream
    self.image_output_stream = sp.VideoStream()
    self.audio_output_stream = sp.AudioStream()
    self._send_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.send_task)
    self._recv_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv_task)

    return self.image_output_stream, self.audio_output_stream

async def _connect_ws(self):
    Coroutine to establish a WebSocket connection.
    ws = await websockets.connect(self.websocket_url)
    await ws.send(json.dumps({"metadata": {"sent_frame_buffer": 10}}))
    return ws

def connect(self):
    Establish a WebSocket connection using the provided URL.
        # Ensure the event loop is set in the current thread
        self._ws = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._connect_ws(), self._loop).result()
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error connecting to websocket: {e}")

Handling Audio Input

Sending Audio Data

Implement the send_task method to continuously send audio data to the WebSocket server.

def send_task(self):
    Continuously send audio data to the WebSocket server.
        while not self._stop_event.is_set():
                audio_data: sp.AudioData = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
                    asyncio.wait_for(self.audio_input_stream.get(), timeout=0.2), self._loop
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error(f"Error getting audio data: {e}")
            if audio_data is None:
            if not self._ws:
            if isinstance(audio_data, sp.SessionData):
            audio_duration = audio_data.get_duration_seconds()
            audio_bytes = audio_data.resample(16000).get_bytes()
            audio_start = audio_data.get_start_seconds()
            audio_json = {
                "audio_data": base64.b64encode(audio_bytes).decode("utf-8"),
                "start_seconds": audio_start,
                "duration": audio_duration,
                "audio_format": "pcm_16000",
                "id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
            audio_start += audio_duration
            asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._ws.send(json.dumps(audio_json)), self._loop)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error sending audio data: {e}")
        raise asyncio.CancelledError()

Handling Video Output

Receiving and Processing Video Data

Implement the recv_task method to continuously receive and process video data from the WebSocket server.

def recv_task(self):
    Continuously receive and process video data from the WebSocket server.
    start_time = 0.0
    silence_flag = True
        while not self._stop_event.is_set():
            if not self._ws:

                msg = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
                    asyncio.wait_for(self._ws.recv(), timeout=0.2), self._loop
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:

            first_image = self.image_output_stream.get_first_element_without_removing()
            if first_image and first_image.extra_tags["silence_flag"] and self._speaking:
                self._speaking = False

            response_data: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(msg)
            images = response_data.get("image_data", [])
            if images and not images[0]["silence_flag"]:
                print("received frames: ", len(images), time.time())
            for image in images:
                # Decode the base64 string to bytes
                if image["silence_flag"] and not silence_flag:
                    print("silence flag to true", time.time())
                    silence_flag = True
                elif not image["silence_flag"] and silence_flag:
                    print("silence flag to false", time.time())
                    self._speaking = True
                    silence_flag = False
                start_time = max(sp.Clock.get_playback_time(), start_time)
                # print([image[x] for x in image if x != "image" and x != "audio"], time.time())
                image_bytes = base64.b64decode(image["image"])
                audio_bytes = base64.b64decode(image["audio"])

                image_data = sp.ImageData(
                    extra_tags={"frame_idx": image["frame_idx"], "silence_flag": image["silence_flag"]},
                audio_data = sp.AudioData(
                asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.image_output_stream.put(image_data), self._loop)
                asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.audio_output_stream.put(audio_data), self._loop)
                start_time += 1.0 / FRAME_RATE
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error receiving video data: {e}")
        raise asyncio.CancelledError()

Initializing and Running the Plugin

Integrate the Plugin into Your Bot

Initialize the DeepReelBot class and integrate the DeepreelPlugin within your application.

class DeepReelBot:
    A bot that processes audio input, generates responses, and produces video output.

    async def setup(self):
        Set up the bot. Currently empty, but can be used for initialization if needed.
        self.deepreel_node = DeepreelPlugin(websocket_url="ws://")
        self.llm_node = sp.OpenAIRealtime(
            initiate_conversation_with_greeting="Hi. How are you?",
            system_prompt="You are a helpful sales agent for Outspeed. No special characters in responses.",

    async def run(
        self, audio_input_stream: sp.AudioStream, message_stream: sp.TextStream, video_input_stream: sp.VideoStream
        The main processing pipeline for the bot.

            audio_input_stream (sp.AudioStream): The input audio stream.
            message_stream (sp.TextStream): The input text message stream.

            Tuple[sp.VideoStream, sp.AudioStream]: The output video and audio streams.
        audio_output_stream, chat_history_stream = self.llm_node.run(message_stream, audio_input_stream)

        video_stream, audio_stream = self.deepreel_node.run(audio_output_stream)

        return video_stream, audio_stream, chat_history_stream

    async def teardown(self):
        Clean up resources when the bot is shutting down. Currently empty, but can be implemented if needed.

if __name__ == "__main__":
        bot = DeepReelBot()
    except Exception:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Running the Bot

Execute the bot using the following command:

python deepreel.py

Understanding the DeepReel Plugin

DeepreelPlugin Class

The DeepreelPlugin class is responsible for managing the WebSocket connection to the DeepReel server. It handles sending audio data to the server and receiving processed video data in return.

  • Initialization: Sets up necessary attributes including the WebSocket URL, audio and video streams, and threading events.
  • WebSocket Connection: Establishes and maintains the connection with the DeepReel server.
  • Audio Handling: Continuously sends audio data from the input stream to the server.
  • Video Handling: Receives video data from the server and processes it for output.

DeepReelBot Class

The DeepReelBot class integrates the DeepreelPlugin with Outspeed’s streaming capabilities.

  • Setup: Initializes the DeepReel plugin and the OpenAI Realtime API node.
  • Run Endpoint: Defines the main processing pipeline that handles incoming audio and text streams, processes them through the LLM node and DeepReel plugin, and returns the generated video and audio streams.
  • Teardown: Placeholder for any necessary cleanup during shutdown.


WebSocket Server URL

Ensure that the websocket_url provided to the DeepreelPlugin is correct and that the server is accessible.

self.deepreel_node = DeepreelPlugin(websocket_url="ws://your-websocket-server-url/ws")

Environment Variables

If your setup requires environment variables (e.g., API keys), ensure they are correctly set in your environment or within a .env file.



  • WebSocket Connection Issues: Verify that the WebSocket server URL is correct and that the server is running.
  • Audio/Video Processing Errors: Ensure that the audio input stream is correctly providing data and that the DeepReel server is processing it without errors.
  • Logging: Utilize the logging outputs to identify and resolve issues during integration.


For any assistance or questions, feel free to join our Discord community. We’re excited to see what you build!