
The CustomLLMNode class in the Outspeed package is designed to handle custom language model (LLM) processing within Outspeed applications.

It extends the base Node class to provide specialized functionality for processing input streams, managing asynchronous tasks, and handling interruptions based on voice activity detection (VAD).

Creating a CustomLLMNode

To create a custom LLM node, define a class that inherits from CustomLLMNode and implement the required methods.

Here’s an example based on the provided nodes.py:

import outspeed as sp

class MyCustomLLMNode(sp.CustomLLMNode):

    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize any additional attributes here

    async def process(self, input_data):
        # Implement the LLM processing logic here

A CustomLLMNode must implement the process method to define how input data is handled and transformed by the language model.

  • The process method receives input_data from the input stream and should return the processed output.
  • The node manages input and output streams asynchronously, ensuring efficient data handling.
  • Interrupt streams can be set to handle tasks like voice activity detection, allowing the node to respond to specific events.

Integrating the CustomLLMNode into an Application

Once defined, the CustomLLMNode can be integrated into an Outspeed application as follows:

import outspeed as sp

class VoiceBot:
    async def setup(self) -> None:
        # ... additional setup ...
        self.llm_node = MyCustomLLMNode()
        # ... additional setup ...

    async def run(self, text_input_stream: sp.TextStream) -> sp.TextStream:
        # ... additional logic ...
        text_output_stream = self.llm_node.run(text_input_stream)
        # ... additional logic ...

Tool Lifecycle

The CustomLLMNode manages its lifecycle through several asynchronous tasks:

  1. Initialization: Sets up input and output streams.
  2. Processing: Continuously processes incoming data from the input stream.
  3. Interruption Handling: Monitors the interrupt stream (e.g., VAD) to handle events like speech detection.
  4. Closure: Gracefully shuts down processing tasks when the node is closed.

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