Ensure you have completed the Overview before proceeding with this guide.

In this guide, we will extend the basic Voice Bot by integrating a Search Tool that allows the bot to perform online searches based on user queries. This enhancement enables your bot to provide more accurate and up-to-date information by fetching data from the web in real-time.

Integrating Tools into Your Realtime API Voice Bot

We will modify the existing Voice Bot to include a search functionality that interacts with the Exa API. This involves creating a new tool, updating the bot’s setup, and handling the search results.

  • The full code is available here.

Creating Pydantic Models

To handle structured data within your tool, we utilize Pydantic models. These models provide type validation and ensure consistency across your application.

Define the Models

First, define the models for queries and search results.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Query(BaseModel):
    query: str

class SearchResult(BaseModel):
    result: str

Integrate the Search Tool

Ensure you’re adding this to voice_bot.py created in Get Started guide.

Create the Search Tool

Create a new tool that interacts with the Exa API to perform searches.

import outspeed as sp

class SearchTool(sp.Tool):
    name = "search"
    description = "Search the web for information"
    parameters_type = Query
    response_type = SearchResult

    async def run(self, query: Query) -> SearchResult:
        url = "https://api.exa.ai/search"
        headers = {
            "accept": "application/json",
            "content-type": "application/json",
            "x-api-key": os.getenv("EXA_API_KEY"),  # Ensure EXA_API_KEY is set in your environment
        payload = {
            "query": query.query,
            "type": "neural",
            "useAutoprompt": True,
            "numResults": 1,
            "contents": {"text": True},

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload) as response:
                    response.raise_for_status()  # Raise an exception for HTTP errors
                    data = await response.json()
                    # Process the response data as needed
                    return SearchResult(result=str(data.get("results", [{}])[0].get("text", "")))
            except aiohttp.ClientError as e:
                logging.error(f"HTTP request failed: {e}")
                return SearchResult(result="An error occurred while processing the search request.")

Update the VoiceBot Setup

Modify the setup method to include the newly created SearchTool.

class VoiceBot:
    async def setup(self) -> None:
        # Initialize the AI services
        self.deepgram_node = sp.DeepgramSTT()
        self.llm_node = sp.OpenAILLM(
        self.token_aggregator_node = sp.TokenAggregator()
        self.tts_node = sp.CartesiaTTS(
        self.vad_node = sp.SileroVAD(min_volume=0)

Setup API Keys (if running locally)

You will need the following environment variables:

  1. EXA_API_KEY - Sign up and navigate to Exa API to get the API key.
  2. DEEPGRAM_API_KEY - Sign up and navigate to Deepgram to get the API key.
  3. CARTESIA_API_KEY - Sign up and navigate to Cartesia to get the API key.
  4. OPENAI_API_KEY - Sign up and navigate to OpenAI to get the API key.

Once you have your keys, create a .env file in the same directory as voice_bot_with_online_search.py and add the following:


Now you can run the following command to start the server:

python voice_bot_with_online_search.py

Understanding the Integration

SearchTool Class

The SearchTool class extends sp.Tool and is responsible for interacting with the Exa API to perform web searches based on user queries.

  • run Method: This asynchronous method takes a Query object, sends a POST request to the Exa API with the query parameters, and returns a SearchResult object containing the search outcome.

VoiceBot Setup

In the setup method of the VoiceBot class, we initialize the llm_node with the SearchTool. This setup allows the bot to utilize the search functionality alongside other AI services.


For any assistance or questions, feel free to join our Discord community. We’re excited to see what you build!